Why are Stolpersteine Memorials

Why support the Stolpersteine program when there are already so many Holocaust memorials? Of significant importance to the memory of  the Holocaust are the various Holocaust memorial museums, such as Yad Vashem, the US Holocaust Memorial Museum and several others, each providing an enormous amount of historical records which are essential to educate everyone about the atrocities of the Holocaust. But in addition, of equal importance are the urban Holocaust memorials where one commemorates a specific event of World War II, or person impacted by such events, providing an historical reference within each of those European communities.   

The Berlin Holocaust Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe

Berlin’s Sinti and Roma Holocaust Memorial

Budapest’s Shoes on the Danube Bank Memorial

The Minsk Yama Ghetto Pit Holocaust Memorial

Stolpersteine’s Urban Holocaust Memorials

Stolpersteine’s Custom Inscription For Each Victim

Stolpersteine’s Personal Connection to Each Family

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